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Words Soccer news

In all variations of words soccer, counting of other statistics was added to the players' transitions, namely the number of 7+ and 8+ letter words. The game also now displays the length of the word at the end of each round, in addition to the longest word


New statistics

The new statistics are calculated as of today. In Pony it is the total number of cards played. In all variants of the Words Soccer game, statistics for the total number of 5+letter and 6+letter words have been introduced.


New avatar parts

The shop now features three new avatar parts in the form of different beard patterns


Wordies countdown

Wordies now includes a progress bar with a countdown to the end of the round


Wordies CZ

Today a new game was launched - Wordies CZ. Your task in this game is to answer as quickly as possible and on as many assignments as possible. You are given a category of words and a starting letter and your task is to come up with the most original word from that category starting with that letter. For each word, you get one to three points depending on its uniqueness or the length of the word.


VIP accounts

VIP accounts will now not see any ads when they log in to the site. Along with this, the option to purchase a VIP account has been added to the store.
This can be purchased with coins earned through activity or participation in competitions. VIP accounts are also given to players who support the server in any way.


Improving match information

Today's update brings an improvement to the match change messages made by the administrator. Both affected players will now know in the message which specific match has been modified


Completing the database of sentences

Today the database of Czech diving clues was updated with 100 new secrets


New translation

As of today it is possible to switch our website completely into Polish. We would be very happy if players who have the opportunity to do so would recommend our website to their Polish friends


New mutation of Words Soccer

Today we launched a new mutation of Words Soccer. From today you can also play in Polish


New statistics

As of today, a new statistic is being saved that shows the total number of letters revealed in the Divers CZ and Divers SK puzzles. This statistic can also now appear as a weekly competition



Fixed bugs in saving match records where matches could not be displayed. Also fixed a chat bug in the pixels game where a user could be wrongly silenced.


Match reporting

If you report a problem with a match, e.g. due to a connection error etc. and your opponent from that match also reports it, the match is automatically cancelled immediately, without administrator intervention.



When a word proposed by a player is approved or rejected for the Words Soccer dictionary, the message from the chatbot will now include the word that was approved or rejected.



Player is now notified that the oponnent is passing after ace


Fixes for reported bugs

New versions of games and apps have been deployed today, fixing reported bugs. These include fixing the display of nicknames in Divers, which sometimes incorrectly displayed long nicknames, fixing closing the offer to send stickers in chat if you didn't want to send one, and fixing minor bugs in match logs. The in-game chat inappropriate behavior filter has also been modified, which should again target vulgar players a bit more effectively


Knowledge Duel SK app released

Today, the Android app for the SK variant of Knowledge Duel was successfully released on Google Play


Knowledge duel SK

The Slovak version of the knowledge duel was launched today. Many thanks to SNEHULIAK for the translation of the questions


Corrections of records and league evaluation

Fixed other bugs in match records in Words Soccer. Fixed incorrectly displayed yellow cards which were displayed one round later. Also, the longest possible formable word for each player has been added to the record. Also, the weekly league evaluation has been adjusted. In the case that multiple players have the same amount of points as the league winner, the league win will be counted in the stats for all of those players


Fix of an bug in the record of the verbal football match

Fixed a bug where the number of red and yellow cards was incorrectly displayed in the match log.


Competitions history

In the footer of the website you will now find a link to the page with records of past competitions and their results


New balls

We have added two new balls for Word Football to the shop. Pokeball and Tennis Ball


League results

In the "league" section of each game you can now also view the results from the previous week


Match Reporting

In case of an error in a match or a bad match evaluation, it is now possible to use the "report" button directly in the records section. This will now be the only way to protest the results of a league match. The review option only applies to league matches


New avatar

A penguin avatar has been added to the shop for purchase today


Design modification

Today, a minor design change has been deployed, which should, among other things, ensure faster page loading. It also brings some minor new features to the front page, such as inserting smileys into public chat.


Special balls

Starting today, new ball designs will be added to the store, which are then displayed as a progression on the pitch in the Words Soccer games. You can then set the ball design you have purchased in your profile to be displayed in the game so that your opponent can see it too. The displays in the different versions of Words Soccer will be deployed gradually over the next few days.


Bug fixes

Today's update mainly brings bug fixes. It is now no longer possible to beat an ace with a filk in the Pony game, weekly/monthly contest win notifications now come with the correct time and date, and an additional feature has been added to the servers to help prevent some players from dropping their connection in the middle of a game.


Sharing links to game records

Now you have the opportunity to show off the result of your match. There is now a "share" option in your profile in the list of games played, which will generate a link that you can share with other people to show off your game progress


Knowledge duel EN

The English version of the Knowledge duel was launched today


Change the display of playing players

In the player list, the usernames of players waiting for the league that you haven't played yet will now be anonymized to avoid picking weaker opponents.


Sending animated stickers

You can now send animated stickers to your opponents in game chat. For each sticker it is indicated how many coins it costs to send it


New drawing game

Today brings the long-awaited Pixels game, where you can draw and create your own artistic canvas together with all players


New stats

Time played in individual games is now included in the player's stats


Android - RPS

The Android app for the game RPS (Rock Paper Scissors) is out. You can find a link to it in the game details on the website


Divers CZ and Divers SK

The games have been modified to show the rest of the puzzle at the end of the game. If you are using the android app, be sure to update


New avatar

A new avatar in the form of a dog has been added to the shop


new game RPS

a new game of rock, paper, scissors has been added. It is currently in the testing phase and we would be happy to receive feedback and report any bugs found.


Android application for Pony game

The new version of the app (1.7) provides a better view of the cards that are covered. Swiping up on a card will show the entire face of the card. It is currently going through the approval process on Google Play and will soon be available for download


new design of Pony game

A new web client for the game of pony was launched today, which more clearly displays the cards in the player's hand


New version of the website

A new version of the site has been deployed today, bringing fixes to many reported bugs, new game logos and enhanced account security. Due to the deployment of better encryption, you will need to re-set your password. Just use your existing password as the new password, the important thing is to go through the password change process. Thanks for your understanding.


Android version of Pony card game

Starting today, you can play Pony card game even on your phone. You can find the download link in the game details


Kris Cross

Today the test version of Kris Cross was launched. We will be glad for any feedback and suggestions for improvements


Word Correction in Word Soccer

You can now edit a typed word by clicking on the letter you want to replace in the word


Android version of Divers game

Today the Android version of Divers CZ and Divers SK was released on GooglePlay. The download link can be found in the game details


Five in a row

Today a new android game has been released - Five in a row. Download link can be found in the game details



Today we launched a store with new avatar parts that you can buy with coins you earn by suggesting words to the dictionary, or now also by regularly logging in to the site


News package

The pop-up windows in games have been replaced with better ones. Word soccer also displays information about whether the player is playing on the web or using the mobile app. Also added a button to delete the last letter of the word you are typing.



For clarity, we now show the last placed symbol in the tic-tac-toe


Best rankings

You can now track the rankings of the best players in several different stats


Word soccer application

Today the apps for playing Word Soccer have been released. Download links can be found in the details of each game variant.



Newly, for the proposed words for the Word Football dictionary that will be approved, you will receive a reward in the form of Coins, which you will be able to exchange for various benefits in the future.
The sound of the chat message in the game has also been changed so that it does not get confused with the sound of the word sent


New stat

As of today, the total number of words composed in word soccer is counted in the profile statistics


Special signatures

You can now have a special banner with your stats generated in your profile, which you can then use online to showcase your skills



You can now send text messages to other players on the site


League and game history improvements

Users who become league winners will have a medal displayed next to their name in the comments until the next round of the league is over. It is also now possible to view the records of the "Five in a row" games played in the user's profile section.


Possibility to play a rematch

A new option has been added to the games from today - challenge the same opponent again at the end of the non-league game


ELO table

ELO score have been added to the games, which is always calculated from league games only. In the game overview you can see the table of the best players


Time limits

A time limit for playing a turn has been added to turn-based games. If you don't make it to the end of the time limit, your opponent automatically wins


Online players list

Each game has a new tab with a list of players who are currently playing


Front page

On the front page, you can now see the number of players currently playing for each game.

Several bugs that could cause the page header to load incorrectly have also been fixed.


Beta version of billiards

- a trial version of billiards has been added at the request of players

- the rules are not finalised yet and this is a public test version, so we would be happy for any feedback


Divers - fixes and changes

Fixed an bug, when user was able to gain negative score

Changed letter stack design for better experience


New game

Slovak version of divers launched



fixed the function of listing the longest possible word at the end of each round of word soccer, which in some cases displayed a word that was shorter.

added an exit button while waiting for an opponent to prevent unwanted exits from a game that started just before the exit



Fixed a bug when the server would not connect the player to their opponent when they were called to play using a link shared via Facebook
Fixed a bug when in rare cases a blank field instead of a letter could be drawn in Word Soccer
You will be alerted with an audible warning when you receive a message in game chat



at the end of the round, the letter chosen by the players is now displayed, as well as its point value


The longest word

At the end of each round of word football, the longest word is also listed in the statistics


New Divers game features

-The Divers game now offers the possibility to guess the whole riddle

-In the Diver game, if both players score over 100 in the same round, it will not be a tie, but the player with the higher score will win.

-If you are playing a game or waiting for a player and your computer loses connection to the server for some reason, you will be notified with a warning message.

-Game comments should now display better on small monitors and phones



Added new game - divers


Informations in match recording

The match recording has been expanded to include more detailed information about each round played


History of games

Added the ability to view the progress of matches played to the profile. Also fixed a bug that caused in some cases 100% use of the letters in the word soccer to be counted, even if one of them remained unused at the end of the round.


Letters stack

In word soccer, the letters stack can now be moved horizontally to make mouse control more comfortable


English word soccer

Today was launched a game of word football with English dictionary



Added the option to set it to word soccer. You can now turn off sound effects, or customize the letters stack


Warning in Word soccer

Changed the function to highlight the word already used. Now when you try to send, a warning sound sounds and the word is discarded



Under the league table, logged users can now find information about oponents, against which already played in a league match today. If you type a word in the word soccer that you have already used in a given round, you will not be able to submit that word. Also, the original font size has been temporarily restored to word soccer due to problems.


Improvements and fixes

Fixed a bug that could cause a league match ending in a draw to be scored incorrectly. Fixed a bug in the allocation of yellow cards for not using all letters in the word soccer.
Added a new message to the games to alert you that you have exceeded the maximum number of league matches for the day. The league table has been expanded with pagination so that you can view other places outside the top 10. Added buttons to quickly switch pages in the comments


Improvements and fixes

Added the ability to edit your own comments if they were added less than 5 minutes ago. In word soccer, only the last letter is now deleted by pressing backspace. Also changed the display style of yellow and red cards


Improvements and fixes

The number of online players is now displayed in detail for each of the games. This number includes free-play, league and private room players combined. Also fixed a bug in game comments where a comment could be resubmitted when the page was refreshed


Word soccer improvement

Letters that have already been used are now underlined in the stack.
Words are now ordered in the list by length from longest to shortest



There is now a chat on the front page. The word soccer has been updated with a whistle sound at the start of each round so that if you are waiting for a player and have the page open in the background, you can see that the match has started


Improved word soccer

the meaning of the word in list is now not listed directly in the table, but only after hovering over a specific word.
There is also an option to report a word used by an opponent that is in violation of the rules, by right clicking on the word


Change in scoring of word soccer

After each round is completed, game checks for duplicate words that you and your opponent have used. These are then invalidated and marked blue. Only unique words are then counted in the score.


league matches

Today the option to play league matches has been added. Only registered players can play them. Up to 10 league matches can be played each day, and the points will be added to the weekly league table. The league always ends at midnight Sunday to Monday


Chess game added

Today the board game Chess was added to the server, It is still in pilot operation and we would be glad for any comments or suggestions for improvement


Word soccer disctionary

Today we launched a new section in the profile. You can view a list of words you have used in word soccer that have not been recognized. You can then suggest these words along with their description to be added to the dictionary


Improved word soccer

There has been an improvement in verbal football. Penalties have been added to the rules for not using all letters and for making a shorter word than your opponent. The penalty is always a yellow card. For every two yellow cards, a player receives one red card, which means one letter is taken away.


Web page news

All games now have a unified look. Language versions have also been added to the website, so you can now fully browse our site in Slovak and English.


Word soccer - SK

The Slovak version of word soccer has just been launched. It is now possible to play word soccer with Slovak words. There is also a new feature for Slovak word soccer game, where a short description is displayed for each word.


New functions

Chat has been added to all games in this update. You can now chat with your opponent directly during the game. We have also made user accounts available. The first feature we are launching for users is the ability to create your own avatar. We will soon expand the options to customize your avatar.


Mau mau

Today we have launched a new game for you - it's Mau mau for two players. Also, the rendering of some games has been optimized for better display on mobile phones.


New Game!

The first update to our games is coming. The biggest change is the addition of a game of two-player memory game. There is a board with 64 cards and your task is to find more pairs than your opponent. The page loading speed has been increased, and the design has been improved for mobile phones


First version

We are launching the first public version of our games. Now you can play your favourite word football or memory game online again! We are still working on adding new games.
Games can be played with a random player, or with your friend by sending a link.