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Rules of RPS (BETA)


On the chessboard you have 16 pieces with randomly selected weapons, as well as your opponent. One of these pieces is the king, whom you must protect at all costs. Your pieces' weapons are shown, but your opponent's weapons remain hidden from you at the start of the game. Each turn, you can move your piece one square either vertically or horizontally. If you enter a square on which your opponent is already standing, you start a battle. This battle is played according to the rules of the classic game of rock, paper, scissors. The losing player's piece is removed from the game. Since the winner's piece is already revealed by this move, the opponent's weapon is also displayed. If both pieces have the same weapon in their hands at that moment, each opponent must choose a new weapon so that the winner of the duel can be determined. If the king is attacked, then the attacking piece always succumbs, whatever weapon it has in its hand. The game ends with the defeat of one of the kings.


Mouse to select the character you want to move, or to select one of the weapons